Monday, January 21, 2008

The American Mainstream Media's Silence on Sibel Edmonds

Daniel Ellsberg (who released the Pentagon papers) wonders would the media have printed the Pentagon Papers today. The media and the government believe it is more important to protect criminals than it is to protect millions of people those criminals have endangered. Do they sleep easy at night knowing that American nuclear secrets have been sold by backstabbing criminals to our Israeli and Turkish allies? The nuclear espionage ring consisted of Israel, Turkey, and Pakistan. Through them into the black market American nuclear technology spread far and wide.

What does Congressman Henry Waxman decide is more important than this? After he promised to hold hearings on the matter he has retracted his promise. He is going to hold hearings on baseball instead because kids need "good role models." He obviously isn't one of those "good role models," breaking his promises, and defending corruption.

Here's one of the best sources that is keeping coverage of this matter: