“I tried to avoid this war,” Powell said at the Aspen Ideas Festival in Colorado. “I took him through the consequences of going into an Arab country and becoming the occupiers.”There have been other instances where other people have come forward saying that Powell disapproved of President Bush and his Neoconservative allies but this is the first time he brought it out into the open. It is no wonder that he called the Neocons "F-- crazies" in a conversation with British Foreign Minister Jack Straw. The Neocons want to maintain the American Empire and bring democracy to those who don't understand it. They have a website called the Project of a New American Century online.
Bush kicked Powell out early in his second term because he wanted ideological purity and had no more use for Colin Powell after he went to the altar of the UN to sacrifice himself for a cause he didn't believe in. Bush used one of his servants to deliver the message to Colin Powell that he was fired:
"The president would like to make a change," [Chief of Staff Andrew] Card said, using a time-honored formulation that avoided the words "resign" or "fire." He noted briskly that there had been some discussion of having Powell remain until after Iraqi elections scheduled for the end of January, but that the president had decided to take care of all Cabinet changes sooner rather than later. Bush wanted Powell's resignation letter dated two days hence, on Friday, November 12, Card said, although the White House expected him to stay at the State Department until his successor was confirmed by the Senate.Colin Powell as well as other Generals have pointed out that the problem in Iraq is political so Bush can surge and mistakenly train and arm the Mahdi army but his goals are probably not going to be met unless he wants destruction and mayhem, so he can bleed the American Treasury for the Military Industrial Complex. The Iraqi Government has yet to try to reconcile the differences among Iraqis.
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