Tuesday, June 19, 2007


I have no idea what an Islamo-Fascist is. There are better labels out there that pin point the groups that are a threat to the United States. Al Qaida's ideology is Salafi-Jihadist. I believe out of ignorance or political motive people do not discuss the underlying ideologies of these terrorist groups.

What is a Salafi-Jihadist?

Salafi jihadists -- who constitute less than 1 percent of the world's 1.2 billion Muslims -- see life as being divided between the world of Islam (dar al-Islam) and the land of conflict or war (dar al-harb). Through jihad, they wish to extend the Muslim world so that all of humankind can live under its umbrella. They harken back to the Great Caliphate, when the Muslim world extended from Spain (then called Andalusia), across North Africa and the Middle East, down the west coast of Africa, and across the Caspian region to India and the Philippines. At its height in the 1200s, the Caliphate was a highly sophisticated civilization, responsible for many inventions and innovations in mathematics and science.

It's daddy is the Muslim Brotherhood created by Arab Nazis and used by Britain, trying to kill the newly founded Jewish state after World War II. Al-Bana was the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood and was a very big fan of Adolf Hitler. They were stationed in Egypt until the 1950's when they were kicked out and the US Government found them refuge in Saudi Arabia. Salafist and Jihadist interbred in Saudi Arabia. The US Government and the Saudis sent them into Afghanistan to fight the Soviets. They gave them the name "Maktab Al Khidimat Il Mujahideen."

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